Your City.
Your Plan.
Imagine Lexington 2045
The Comprehensive Plan takes a look at data, trends, projections, and community input to build a strategy for Lexington’s growth and development over the next 20 years.
Using The Placebuilder, zone change applications are reviewed in accordance with the polices of the Comprehensive Plan, which provide more specific guidance about how to Lexington’s Goals and Objectives.
Zoning Reform
One of the primary implementation mechanisms Comprehensive Plan is updating the regulatory documents that set the rules, specifications, and processes for land use in Lexington.
Adopted Studies and Plans
Check out the previously adopted plans and studies from past comp plans
Implementation Table
Check in on the status of implementation items in Imagine Lexington 2045
Request an Educational Representative
Is your organization hosting an outreach event, civic fair, or something else? Maybe your group is just interested in learning more about the planning department or comprehensive plan.
Contact Us
Have a question?
We know there’s a lot of information included here, so remember that your Planning staff is here to help! If there is anything we can do to answer questions about Imagine Lexington, the website, the development process, or anything else, please let us know by using the "E-Mail Us" button that is located at the bottom of each page.